
Year of the Rooster

Happy Chinese New Year! Hope that your new year is off to a wonderful start!

In the Gregorian Calendar, Chinese Lunar New Year begins at the New Moon that falls between the 21st of January and the 20th of February. This year the Lunar New Year landed on Saturday, January 28th and is the Year of the Rooster. Since the Chinese New Year lands on the New Moon, we can use this time to interpret new beginnings from the perspective, in this case, of the Rooster. The Rooster is the 10th animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac signs. When we think in terms of the Rooster, we can begin to see personality traits that reflect punctuality and strong organizational skills. The Rooster is typically responsible for the order in the coop so it is only natural that he is a born a leader.

And after the turbulent and unpredictable Monkey year of 2016, the year of the Rooster couldn’t seem more fitting. With all this potential to be more organized, more direct and more virtuous, we can use 2017 to begin taking more responsibility for the direction of our lives!

So what does that look like for most of us?

“I am going to lose 20 pounds!  I am actually going to use my gym membership!” While those are fantastic goals, Eastern society approaches Chinese New Year in a more holistic way.  The focus is not only on diet and exercise.  It is on the whole person.  Everything-physical, emotional, mental and spiritual is connected.

Here are 4 tips towards a Happy, Healthy New Year, Rooster Style…

1. Enjoy Chinese food that nourishes you. Skip the fat and sodium of typical take-out Chinese food and make your own.  Black rice, shitake mushrooms, ginger, and garlic make a delicious, immune boosting meal.

2.Try Eastern options for pain management and stress.  Acupuncture is an effective, non-drug treatment for most pain-causing conditions, including back pain, knee pain, headaches, and osteoarthritis.

3. Get moving with Qi Gong and Tai Chi. These two ancient exercises rooted in China combine moving with breath work. Perfect for body and mind.

4. Nourish your Shen, or Spirit.  Unplug from electronics.  Even if it’s just a little while each day (You can do it!).  Enjoy a hobby or find a new one.  Reconnect with friends face to face!  And have some serious me time.  Take that bath, read a book, you deserve it and need it.

Jínián jíxiáng- Good luck for this Rooster year!

By |January 31st, 2017|Site News|